…. here comes the next experiment …. |
CASE#2024/06/02 Headline: Muscle pain due to torn curator cuff tendon as well as inflammation in the bursae in the shoulder Success: 97% Seachwords: pain shoulder inflammation bursa curator cuff Diagnosis: Curator cuff tendon Duty-Cycle: 65% Modulation: 100% CarrierWave: 3300000 Hz ChannelSweep: 0 Hz Waveform: Square Wave Output from: Plasmatube Gating Optional: 0 Hz / 0% Used Channels and Frequencies: Made 3 new #channels from DNA frequencies page 130 for Inflammation and Pain. First and Second priority of the set of frequencies was setup with only 2 frequencies in one group. All 35 frequencies gives 3 x 6 groups at all, the last group with only one frequency. Totally 18 groups. Time set for Channels/Frequencies: 5 min. Distance from Target: 30 cm (maximum) How often (days etc.): Every 2. day, but already the first days I could feel the pain begins to leave. After 4 experimental-treatments the pain was nearly gone. Use the experiment every 2. week now. 2024/10/14: After September 2024 only experimental treatment when necessary |