…. here comes the next experiment ….
Headline:     Fungus between and around the 4th toe
Success:     99%
Searchwords:     Fungus Foodfungus Toefungus Athlets Food Pain
Diagnosis:     Visible crack in the skin under and between the 4th toe. Very stinging.
Duty-Cycle:     85%
Modulation:     100%
CarrierWave:     3100000 Hz
ChannelSweep:     0 Hz
Waveform:     Square Wave
Output from:     Plasmatube
Gating Optional:     0 Hz / 0%
Used Channels and Frequencies:
#59/G3, #140/G1, #495/G1
Time set for Channels/Frequencies:     10 min.
Distance from Target:     30 cm (maximum)
How often (days etc.):
2023. After the first attempt the symptoms reduced. Repeated the experiment 2 days later and the athlete’s foot disappeared. It came back a little after a month but never at full strength and I ran the experiment again. Did the experiment again approximately 1 year after the first experiment (preventative) and have had no symptoms since.
