…. here comes the next experiment
Headline:     Staphylococcus up nose, not sure the type
Success:     50% (not not validated)
Searchwords:     Staphylococcus Nose sores
Diagnosis:     Not sure the type of Staphylococcus
Duty-Cycle:     75% (not not validated)
Modulation:     100%
CarrierWave:     3100000 Hz
ChannelSweep:     Hz
Waveform:     Square Wave
Output from:     Plasmatube
No Sweeps used
Gating Optional:     Hz / %
Used Channels and Frequencies:
Experiment with
#740/G3, #741/G3, 3 minutes a days for 3 days
#402/G3, 5 minutes a day, maybe for just one day og 3 days too
Time set for Channels/Frequencies:     3-5 minutes
Distance from Target:     30 cm (maximum)
How often (days etc.):
Maybe the experiment has to be repeated after 1 month.
Success rate for the experiment has not been validated
